Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It's Been a Really Long Time!!!

My life has been turned upside down and shaken lately. So much is going on, that I hardly have time to think anymore, and so the one thing that has gotten tossed to the side is this blog. But I'm going to try to better, get in here each day and post. I love reading everyone's blogs, and hope to someday have a number of folks who enjoys reading mine (got alot of work to do first). So ladies who do stop by, I'm back and beginning tomorrow, will keep up with my posting. Love to all.


  1. We will be patiently awaiting your next exciting post ;)
    Love ya!

  2. Blogging is fun but sometimes life does get in the way. Totally understandable. I will keep you in my prayers. I don't what is going on but whenever someone says "life turned upside down and shaken" I want to pray, so I will! I don't post daily on my blog. Sometimes I have days worth of stuff to post and then nothing.. now with this move I will have some rants I am sure!!
